When Sunday: 3/16/25 Time: 12 - 4 Cost $40 per Athlete!
Working on Polishing Skills For State & Regional Championships!
Loads of Skills & Drills for Every Event!
ASK Coach Dustin for More Information!
2025 River City Classic Globe Winners!
Level 3 - Elyse Lauver
Level 6 - Deion Clause-Davis
Gold Charli Roth
Silver - Bryor Denny
Silver - Marsella Rasbeck
Silver - Ruby Stutzman
Bronze - Charlotte DeBuhr
Bronze - Mari Rasbeck
Congratulations to our Globe Winners, finishing in the top 3 of their age group! All Ruby gymnasts had an outstanding meet! We were so proud of everyone! A great meet for all!!! For more results, refer to the Meet Tab and Meet Results! Now on to prepping for Fire and Ice!!!
2025 Ruby Competition Begins!
Ruby Level 3-1 and Level 4-1 ready for their 1st Meet.
Mission accomplished! Everyone received a medal!
Level 3 claimed two Ring Champions! Mr. Jacob Schneider and Mr. Wesley McRoberts. Great meet for everyone! We are so proud of you! To see all results go to Meet Tab and select Meet Results.
A Very Happy Birthday to all of our January born gymnasts. The angels sang when you were born! Happy Birthday to Miss Brezlin Gordon, Miss Charli Roth, Miss Deion Davis, Miss Ella Stutzman, Miss Elli Wilson, Miss Johanna Wanner, Miss Juniper Smith, Miss Lora Kate Shaull, Miss Margaret Hughes, Miss Remy Rasmusson, Miss Sloan Harken, Miss Stella Deutsch, Victoria Nunez Rodriguez and Miss Willow Jones.
2024 Iowa High School Diving Qualifiers
Congratulations to two past Ruby gymnasts that qualified for State in Diving. Our own Coach Ella Kapparos, and past Xcel Gold Regional Champion and past gymnast Cloie Sparrgrove! Best of luck this weekend ladies!!! You got this! !Shine as a Ruby!
Congratulations to Miss Brooklyn and Miss Myka who qualified into Level 6 at the Candy Apple Invite!! Welcome to Optionals!
We are proud of you both!
Congratulations to Miss Deion for qualifying to move to Level 6! She qualified Sept. 20th in Ames. Welcome to Optionals!!
We are very proud of you!!
August Stars & Champions
July Stars!!
June Stars! These are our gymnasts that have won the most stars for new skills, tackling changes in skills, helping without asking, supporting teammates or conquering their fears. Way to go! We are proud of you!
2024 USA Iowa Men’s State Meet Championships
Mr. Max, Mr. Oscar & Mr. Harrison before the meet began.
Ruby men rocked at state today! Bringing home 2nd Place Team!! We are so very proud of their hard work and dedication! Each one came home a State Champion!
Champions after the meet!!!
Harrison Ferrell: Floor 6th, Pommel 3rd, Rings 5th, Vault 1st, P-Bars 1st, High Bar 3rd & All-Around 4th
Max Roush: Floor 1st, Pommel 5th, Rings 2nd, Vault 2nd, P-Bars 2nd, High Bar 1st & All-Around 2nd
Oscar Valdivia: Floor 6th, Pommel 2nd, Rings 2nd, Vault 3rd, P-Bars 1st, High Bar 3rd & All-Around 4th
The Ruby boy’s came away with another successful meet! Taking 3rd team, missing 2nd by .8! Way to go, you are improving each meet and we are very proud of your hard work and determination! Champions were Mr. Harrison taking Silver on Vault and teammate Mr. Oscar taking Gold on Floor and Rings, and Bronze on P-Bars and All-Around. Many personal bests! Great job! More information on Meet Results tab! Check it out!!!
Ruby started off the month of Febuary with a bang! Our gems were on a mission to shine their best, and best they gave. Everyone set many personal best scores! Adding the jewel to top it off they went 11 for 11 on beam routines!!! Coaches dreams for sure! Bronze team came home with a 2nd Place Team! They were so excited and for a great reason, each gave their all. Congratulations ladies!
On to individuals champions: BRONZE: Miss Emery Lauver claimed 1st in Beam, Floor & All-Around, 2nd on Bars and 3rd on Vault, Miss Kiera Locash took 1st on Vault, 2nd in All-Around and 3rd on Bars, Miss Marsella Rasbeck brought home 1st in Vault and All-Around,, 2nd on Beam and 3rd on Bars, Miss Ruby Stutzman wore 1st on Bars, 2nd in All-Around and 3rd on Vault and Beam. SILVER: Miss Maya Elmquist claimed her prize with 1st All-Around, 2nd on Bars and Floor and 3rd on Vault. Congratulations ladies!! LEVEL 4: Miss Brooklyn Kruger took 3rd on Bars, Miss Deion Claus-Davis won 1st on Floor and 2nd on Beam, Miss Myka Charlton claimed 3rd on Bars,, Beam, Floor and All-Around. Nice job ladies!!!
Please tab over to meet results to see placings and fun photo’s. Also check out the new members of the 9.0 and 9.5 club on the Team Blog under Team!
2023 Christmas Week at Ruby! A few captured moments! It was a fun week!!!
Christmas Creative Floor Routines by Level 4’s and Silver’s!
The Ruby staff would like to woof Noah D. and Lindy K. very happy birthdays this coming week! We hope you have fun in whatever your paws you do to celebrate!
Happiest Birthday to our pumpkins!!! We wish you a fruitful week squashed into 1 very special day!!! May your faces light up with glee with your favorite things, friends and family! Happy birthday to Miss Brooke S., Miss Khloe J., Miss Faith J., and Miss Kate T. We are thankful you are part of our patch here at Ruby!!!
Yeehaw!!! Happy Birthday to our Cowgirls and Cowboys!!!
We hope your birthday ropes in all your wishes, friends, and family! Happiest birthday to: Miss Everly M., Miss Hailey J., Miss Dylan M., Miss Aubrie B., Miss Malia C., Mr. Jacob S., Miss Cora G., Miss Kaylee K., and Mr. Max R. May you ride into the sunset blessed!
Happy Birthday to our Ruby gymnasts! May you enjoy our last days before school. May it be filled with smores, campfires, friends and family. May the Lord bless your upcoming year. We love coaching each one of you. Happy Birthday to Miss Kamrin R., Mr. Harrison F., Miss Audriana R., Miss Lila S., Miss Amelia C,., Miss Layla C. and Miss Makenzie E.
Reminder that Ruby is closed from Aug. 19th to Aug. 26th. This week will allow our gymnasts, families and coaches to adjust to their new school schedules. Remember to be eye aware of buses and children walking to and from school. Have a great week!!!
Friday Firsts!!
Level 3’s & 4
The Girls are working hard to pull out all of the next-level skills already!!!!
Happy Birthday one of Ruby’s Little Gems!!
Ruby’s Optional Team had a Great Weekend in Bettendorf Ia. last weekend!! Hitting some new Personal Best’s & Getting some Hardware!!! They showed up to play the game and had a Great Time doing it!!!!
Way to Go Ladies!!!!
The Boy’s Team had a pretty awesome weekend of Gymnastics and coming home with some New Hardware!!!!
Now they are totally excited to get on with the new training season in learning all new skills for next season!!!!
2021 Cedar Valley Classic
Our Thrilling Three’s! Small team with mighty goals!!
Our Great 8’s and our Gem of a 10 are our leaders of the team.
Our 4’s that score! Never a dull moment!
Our 7’s from heaven. Souls with a mission.
Ruby had an amazing 2nd meet of the season! Our traditional photo shots of having fun and getting the job done! The results of all of our the meets are posted under the meets tab, then meet results. This tab will post all the Developmental, boy’s and girls, and Xcel Teams. We also keep records of our 9.0, 9.5 and 10. clubs, under the Team tab and then team blog. All Team Records are under the Team tab, also. We are proud to announce one Level 4 Record was broken at this meet. Miss Katelin Leeper set a uneven bar record for Ruby with a 9.6 routine. Congratulations Miss Katelin!!! We had many go home with hardware clanging. Level 3 Team came home with a 3rd place Trophy and the Level 4 took honors accepting the 2nd Place Team! We are proud of you all!
Covid-19 is NOT Shutting us down!! We are open to the Public!!
We are taking MANY Measures to keep you and your Family Safe!!
Cleaning & Sanitizing the Gym Everyday as well as between classes!!
Smaller Numbers Per Class to help keep children spread out!
Ruby Gymnastics 2020 Training Season
Highlight Reels Here!!
Using Drills & Progressions to allow your little Gem to gain The Confidence it takes to Achieve Great New Things!!!!
Each Child Learns Differently so Adapting to each of their Needs Is Crucial!!
New Classes Opening Up!!!
Hello mom's and dad's (new or already members), We have open 3 new classes on Monday! Spinel 5:00-6:00, Tanzanite...
Posted by Ruby Gymnastics Academy on Tuesday, September 15, 2020