2025 Iowa Xcel State Meet Results

Diamond: Miss Kate

Vault & All-Around Champion

Silver: Miss Thea

Bar Champion

Silver: Miss Bryor

Bronze: Miss Charlotte

Beam Champion

2025 Xcel State meet took place in Des Moines over this last weekend. A year of Rookies also for our Xcels. The meet opened up on Friday, with Silver Miss Thea taking gold on Bars, and Bronze on Floor. Following her lead Miss Kate took gold on Vault and All-Around. Both young ladies qualified for Regionals! Congratulations to both ladies, setting the tone for those that will follow!

Saturday brought more medals and many personal bests! Ruby Silvers took 13th out of 36 Teams. Congrats ladies! Miss Bryor claimed 3rd on Floor, Miss Kiera 2nd on Beam, Floor & All-Around, Miss Marsella 2nd on Floor and 3rd on Vault and All-Around, and Miss Ruby 3rd on Bars. Great State meet and all qualified for Regionals!

Ruby Golds also hit the floor on Saturday. They took their share of medals also. Miss Maya took 2nd on Beam and 3rd on Floor, Miss Charli claimed 2nd on Bars. All qualifying for Regionals! Congratulations ladies!

Sunday finished up with our Bronze team. Miss Charlotte was State Champion on Beam and 3rd on Bars and All-Around! Miss Addie brought home 3rd on Vault, while Miss Mari claimed 3rd on Vault. Congratulations ladies!


Kate Tomlyanvich: Vault 1st, Bars, 5th, Beam 9th, Floor 7th & All-Around 1st


Maya Elmquist: Bars 7th, Beam 2nd, Floor 3rd & All-Around 6th

Brooke Steuben: Bars 10th, Beam 8th & Floor 6th

Charli Roth: Vault 8th, Bars 2nd, Beam 4th & All-Around 6th

Sophia Krosch: Floor 10th


Thea Road: Vault 10th, Bars 1st, Floor 3rd & All-Around 9th

Alexis Schneider: Bars 5th & Beam 6th

Bryor Denny: Bars 4th, Beam 6th, Floor 3rd & All-Around 6th

Kiera Locasha: Vault 7th, Bars 5th, Beam 2nd, Floor 2nd & All-Around 2nd Marsella Rasbeck: Vault 3rd, Bars 4th, Beam 4th, Floor 2nd & All-Around 3rd

Ruby Stutzman: Vault 4th, Bars 3rd, Beam 6th, Floor 4th & All-Around 4th


Addie Kriz: Vault 3rd, Beam 4th & All-Around 10th

Charlotte DeBuhr: Vault 5th, Bars 3rd, Beam 1st & All-Around 3rd

Mari Rasbeck: Vault 3rd

Silvers: Miss Alexis, Miss Marsella,

Miss Ruby & Miss Kiera

Gold: Miss Maya

Gold: Miss Charli, Miss Sophia

& Miss Brooke

Bronze: Miss Mari & Miss Addie

Level 4: Miss Willa

Level 3: Miss Natalee

2025 Women’s Dev State Meet

Ruby hosted Dev. State along with More Than A Meet at the Cedar Valley Sportsplex. Thank you to all parents, More Than A Meet and all who helped set up, run the meet and tear down. Great Job!!!

A rookie Dev. Team this year at Ruby, a ton of hard work, unbelievable skill challenges and achievements. The coaching staff was very pleased with everyone’s progress and competition at the state meet.

Ruby had one State Champion! Miss Natalee brought home a Silver in Vault! Way to shine young lady!!! Miss Deion qualified for USAG Region 4 Championships!! Regionals will be held in Minneapolis April 13th. Prayers and best of luck to Deion!

Level 3:

Elyn Lauver: Bars 6th, Beam 4th, Floor 10th & All-Around 7th

Elyse Lauver: Vault 8th & Beam 6th

Natalee Hoelscher: Vault 2nd, Bars 9th, Beam 4th, Floor 9th & All-Around 5th

Level 4:

Willa Muller: Vault 8th, Bars 6th, Beam 8th, Floor 6th & All-Around 6th

Level 6:

Brooklyn Krueger: Beam 10th

Deion Claus-Davis: Vault 9th, Bars 10th & Floor 10th

Level 6: Miss Brooklyn, Miss Myka & Miss Deion

Level 3: Miss Elyn and Elyse

2025 Iowa Men’s State Results

2025 Iowa Men’s State was held at Simpson College over the weekend. Our Ruby men came to hit their best yet this season. Returning home as State Champions were Mr. Wesley McRoberts on Rings and Mr. Max Roush on Vault. All but two Ruby Records were broke by these young men. What an outstanding state meet! We are so proud of your hard work and great competition!

Level 3-1

Jacob Schneider: Floor 6th, Mushroom 5th, Rings 2nd, Vault 8th, P-Bars 3rd, High Bar 6th &

All-Around 4th

Wesley McRoberts: Floor 7th, Mushroom 7th, Rings 1st, Vault 6th, P-Bars 2nd, High Bar 3rd &

All-Around 5th

Level 4-1

Max Roush: Floor 4th, Mushroom 4th, Rings 3rd, Vault 1st, P-Bars 3rd, High Bar 3rd & All-Around 4th

Oscar Valdivia: Floor 3rd, Mushroom 3rd, Rings 4th, Vault 4th, P-Bars 4th, High Bar 3rd & All-Around 3rd

2025 Triad Classic Results

Ruby Xcel and Development Team headed down to Des Moines to compete at the Triad Classic. Champions were: Level 3 - Natalee Hoelscher, Vault 1st and Beam 2nd, Bronze - Addie Kriz, Beam 2nd and Charlotte DeBuhr, Bars 3rd, Silver - Bryor Denny Vault 3rd, Kiera Locasha Floor 1st and All-Around 3rd, Ruby Stutzman Vault 1st, Bars 2nd & Floor 3rd, Marsella Rasbeck Vault 3rd. Great job ladies!!! A huge congratulations to Miss Addie Kriz on tying the Ruby Bronze Beam Record!!! 9.65. ON TO STATE!!!!

Level 3

Elyn Lauver: Bars 7th

Elyse Lauver: Vault 9th, Bars 9th, Beam 8th & All-Around 9th

Natalee Hoelscher: Vault 1st, Beam 2nd & All-Around 7th

Level 4

Emery Lauver: Beam 6th

Level 6

Brooklyn Krueger: Vault 8th, Bars 7th, Beam 9th & Floor 9th

Deion Claus-Davis: Vault 4th, Bars 9th, Floor 5th & All-Around 9th

Myka Charlton: Vault 5th


Addie Kriz: Vault 6th, Bars 9th, Beam 2nd, Floor 5th & All-Around 4th

Charlotte DeBuhr: Vault 5th, Bars 3rd, Floor 9th & All-Around 6th


Bryor Denny: Vault 3rd, Floor 10th

Kiera Locasha: Vault 5th, Bars 7th, Beam 6th, Floor 1st & All-Around 3rd

Ruby Stutzman: Vault 1st, Bars 2nd, Floor 3rd & All-Around 4th

Marsella Rasbeck: Vault 3rd, Bars 4th, Beam 6th, Floor 9th & All-Aroud 5th

Lexi Schneider: Vault 9th


Maya Elmquist: Bars 5th & Floor 10th

Sophia Krosch: Vault 10th, Beam 8th & Floor 10th

2025 Salto National Invitational Results

The Ruby Boy’s Team headed up north to the Salto National Invitational in Wisconsin. All three boy’s came home with medals. Congratulations to each one!! Next is the Iowa State Meet on March 15th.

Level 3-1

7-8 yr. olds

Jacob Schneider: Rings 7th

9 yr. olds +

Wesley McRoberts: Rings 7th, Vault 6th & High Bar 7th

Level 4-1

10 yr. olds

Max Roush: Vault 11th

2025 Fire and Ice Classic Results

Ruby Gymnastics, More Than A Meet and Parents hosted our home meet at the Waterloo SportsPlex. A three day event for 700 gymnasts. 19 clubs were represented. Level 6 team came away with 2nd Place. Ruby had 25 top 3 placings. Coming away with Gold was Miss Deion on Floor, Miss Mari on Floor, Miss Charli on Beam and Miss Kate on Vault.

Ruby Team Records were tied or broken! Ruby Gold Beam Record was tied by Miss Charli Roth! Miss Kate Tomlynovich set a new Ruby Diamond Beam Record! Congratulations ladies!!

Level 6

Brooklyn Kruger: Vault 3rd, Bars 3rd, Beam 3rd, Floor 2nd & All-Around 3rd

Deion Claus-Davis: Vault 2nd, Bars 2nd, Beam 2nd, Floor 1st & All-Around 2nd

Myka Charlton:Vault 2nd, Bars 5th, Beam 4th, Floor 4th & All=Around 5th

Level 4

Emery Lauver: Beam 9th

Willa Muller: Bars 8th, Floor 10th & All-Around 10th

Level 3

Elyn Lauver: Vault 5th, Bars 7th, Beam 7th, Floor 9th & All-Around 7th

Elyse Lauver: Vault 8th, Bars 9th, Beam 5th, Floor 6th & All-Around 8th

Natalee Hoelscher: Vault 2nd, Bars 9th, Beam 7th, Floor 8th & All-Around 9th

Xcel Bronze

Mari Rasbeck: Vault 8th, Bars 4th, Beam 2nd, Floor 1st & All-Around 2nd

Addie Kriz: Vault 5th, Bars 5th, Beam 8th, Floor 2nd & All-Around 5th

Charlotte DeBuhr: Vault 9th, Bars 5th, Beam 3rd, Floor 2nd & All-Around 6th

Xcel Silver

Bryor Denny: Vault 4th, Bars 9th, Beam 4th, Floor 8th & All-Around 6th

Kiera Locasha: Vault 4th, Bars 10th, Beam 3rd, Floor 5th & All-Around 5th

Ruby Stutzman: Vault 7th, Bars 6th, Beam 9th, Floor 2nd & All-Around 4th

Marsella Rasbeck: Vault 6th, Bars 8th, Beam 3rd, Floor 6th & All-Around 8th

Thea Roed: Bars 8th, Beam 6th, Floor 10th & All-Around 9th

Xcel Gold

Brooke Steuben: Bars 7th, Beam 8th & All-Around 10th

Charli Roth: Vault 8th, Bars 4th, Beam 1st, Floor 9th & All-Around 2nd

Sophia Krosch: Vault 9th, Bars 7th, Beam 3rd & All-Around 10th

Xcel Diamond

Katie Tomlyanovich: Vault 1st, Bars 8th, Beam 7th & All-Around 6th

2025 MN. GymACT Invitational

The Ruby Boy’s Team travel to Minneapolis for their third meet. Below are the placings for each gymnast. Good job guys, back to the gym to prepare for your next meet on March 2nd at the Salto National Invitational in Wisc.

Level 3-1

Age 8: Jacob Schneider - Pommel Horse 8th & Still Rings 10th

Age 9: Wesley McRoberts - Floor 10th, Pommel Horse 8th, Still Rings 5th, & High Bar 5th

Level 4-1

Age 10: Max Roush - Vault 9th

Oscar Valdivia - Floor 10th

2025 RiverCity Classic Results

River City Classic was kind to Ruby, our girls showed up to shine! With over 40 gyms represented, Ruby was well represented. Top 3 in each age group received a globe: Our globe winners were: Elyse Lauver, Deion Claus-Davis, Charli Roth, Bryor Denny, Marsella Rasbeck, Ruby Stutzman, Mari Rasbeck and Charlotte DeBuhr. Congratulations!! The Ruby Team came away with 2 Vault, 1 Bar, 7 Beam and 1 Floor Champions. Below is the results with Champions Bolded. Great meet for everyone, we are so very proud of you all, many improvements.

Ruby’s next meet will be in our Fire and Ice Challenge which is held at the Waterloo Sports Plex, Feb. 21-23. Stop by and watch some great gymnastics. Ruby team competition times and days are posted in our lobby on the Meet Board and on our Meet Information tab on our website.


Level 3:

Elyn Lauver - Vault 3rd, Bars 9th, Beam 1st, Floor 7th & All-Around 4th

Elyse Lauver - Vault 5th, Bars 6th, Beam 4th, Floor 1st & All-Around 3rd

Natalee Hoelscher - Vault 5th, Bars 7th, Beam 3rd, Floor 9th & All-Around 7th

Level 4:

Emery Lauver - Beam 4th

Willa Muller - Vault 9th, Bars 8th, Beam 9th, Floor 10th & All-Around 10th

Level 6:

Brooklyn Krueger - Vault 7th, Bars 5th, Beam 6th, Floor 3rd & All-Around 5th

Deion Claus-Davis - Vault 4th, Bars 6th, Beam 7th, Floor 2nd & All-Around 3rd

Myka Charlton- Beam 10th



Addie Kriz - Vault 4th, Bars 7th, Beam 1st, Floor 4th & All-Around 4th

Charlotte DeBuhr - Vault 6th, Bars 6th, Beam 1st, Floor 4th & All-Around 3rd

Mari Rasbeck- Floor 2nd, Bars 7th, Beam 1st, Floor 9th & All-Around 2nd


Alexis Schneider - Vault 10th, Bars 7th, Beam 8th, Floor 8th & All-Around 9th

Bryor Denny - Vault 1st, Bars 2nd, Beam 1st, Floor 5th & All-Around 2nd

Kiera Locasha - Vault 4th, Bars 7th, Beam 2nd, Floor 3rd, All-Around 4th

Marsella Rasbeck - Vault 6th, Bars 5th, Beam 1st, Floor 6th & All-Around 3rd

Ruby Stutzman - Vault 2nd, Bars 1st, Beam 2nd, Floor 5th & All-Around 2nd

Thea Road - Vault 7th, Bars 4th, Beam 7th, Floor 7th & All-Around 8th


Brook Steuben: Bars 3rd, Beam 7th & All-Around 8th

Charli Roth: Vault 9th, Bars 4th, Beam 1st, Floor 7th & All-Around 2nd

Maya Elmquist: Vault 8th, Bars 9th, Beam 1st, Floor 5th & All-Around 6th

Sophia Krosch - Vault 7th, Bars 9th, Beam 7th, Floor 9th & All-Around 9th


Kate Tomlyanovich: Vault 1st, Bars 4th, Beam 9th, Floor 9th & All-Around 5th

2025 Twin City Invitational Results

Ruby’s Team Trip was a big success this year. We began with great meal on Friday night, provided by The Machine Shed. Excellent food and service. We will pray for their employees as the doors were closed unexpectedly two day before we arrived. Thank you to the young ladies that served us with kindness and honor.

We began our meet on Saturday, while many were enjoying all the activities at the Great Wolf Lodge. All gymnasts are rookies this year. We were so proud of each and everyone one of our gymnasts. Level 3 and Silver brought home 1st Place Team.

Champions were as follows: L3’s - Miss Natalee Hoelscher 1st Place in Vault, Bars, Beam, Floor and All-Around. Miss Elyn Lauver 2nd Place on Vault, Bars, Beam & All-Around, 3rd on Beam. Miss Elyse 2nd Place on Floor and 3rd on Vault, Bars, Beam and All-Around.

L4 - Miss Emery Lauver 1st Beam and 3rd Place All-Around.

Boy’s L3-1- Mr. Jacob Schneider 3rd Pommel Horse. Mr. Wesley McRoberts 1st Vault and 3rd Rings

Bronze: Miss Addie Kriz 1st Vault and Beam and 2nd All-Around. Miss Mari Rasbeck 2nd Vault. Miss Charlotte DeBuhr 3rd Floor.

Silver: Miss Marsella Rasbeck 2nd Bars, Beam and All-Around. Miss Kiera Locasha 1st Beam, 2nd Floor 3rd Beam and All-Around. Miss Bryor Denny 3rd on Vault and Bars.

Gold: Miss Brooke Steuben 2nd Bars, Beam and All-Around. Miss Maya Elmquist 3rd Bars and Floor.

Diamond: Miss Kate Tomlyanovich 1st Vault, and 2nd All-Around


L3: Natalee Hoelscher: Vault 1st, Bars 1st, Beam 1st, Floor 1st and All-Around 1st

Elyn Lauver: Vault 2nd, Bars 2nd, Beam 2nd, Floor 3rd and All-Around 2nd

Elyse Lauver: Vault 3rd, Bars 3rd, Beam 3rd, Floor 2nd and All-Around 3rd

L4: Emery Lauver: Vault 4th, Bars 4th, Beam 1st, Floor 4th and All-Around 3rd

L6: Deion Claus-Davis: Vault 8th, Floor 9th

Brooklyn Krueger: Vault 10th, Floor 9th

Boy’s L3-1: Jacob Schneider: Pommel 3rd, Rings 7th, P-Bars 6th, High Bar 9th and All-Around 8th

Wesley McRoberts: Rings 3rd, Vault 1st, High Bar 10th and All-Around 9th

Boy’s L4-1: Oscar Valdivia: P-Bars 8th

Max Roush: P-Bars 8th

Bronze: Addie Kriz: Vault 1st, Beam 1st, Floor 4th and All-Around 2nd

Mari Rasbeck: Vault 2nd, Beam 5th, Floor 5th and All-Around 5th

Charlotte DeBuhr: Vault 8th, Bars 8th, Beam 10th, Floor 3rd and All-Around 6th

Silver: Marsella Rasbeck: Vault 5th, Bars 2nd, Beam 2nd, Floor 3rd and All-Around 2nd

Kiera Locasha: Vault 8th, Bars 1st, Beam 3rd, Floor 2nd and All-Around 3rd

Ruby Stutzman: Vault 4th, Bars 4th, Beam 5th, Floor 7th and All-Around 5th

Bryor Denny: Vault 3rd, Bars 3rd, Beam 8th, Floor 9th and All-Around 6th

Thea Roed: Vault 9th, Bars 9th, Floor 6th and All-Around 10th

Lexi Schneider: Vault 10th, Bars 6th, Beam 7th

Gold: Brooke Steuben: Vault 8th, Bars 2nd, Beam 2nd and All-Around 2nd

Maya Elmquist: Bars 3rd, Floor 3rd and All-Around 7th

Charlie Roth: Beam 9th

Sophia Krosch: Beam 7th

Diamond: Kate Tomlyanovich: Vault 1st, Bars 7th, Floor 4th and All-Around 2nd

2025 Emerge Academy Invitational Results

Our Ruby Boy’s began our 2025 Meet Season in Des Moines this past weekend. Great success is haveing each one come home with some hardware! The boy’s enjoyed having 2 Ring Champions in Level 3’s Mr. Jacob Schneider and Mr. Wesley McRoberts. Mr. Jacob also took 3rd on P-Bars. Congratulations to you all!

On the road again, next meet is this weekend. Best of Luck to you!

Level 3-1

8 yrs. and Under:

Jacob Schneider: Floor 7th, Pommel 6th, Rings 1st, Vault 4th, P-Bars 3rd, High Bar 7th and All-Around 5th

9-10 yrs.:

Wesley McRoberts: Rings 1st, Vault 10th, High Bar 4th

Level 4-1

10 yr.:

Oscar Andres Valdivia: Floor 9th

Max Roush: Vault 8th